CCCN is announcing a Call for Abstracts related to any aspect of cardiovascular and/or cerebrovascular nursing for presentation at the Annual Spring Conference and Annual General Meeting, May 23rd - 24th, 2025, Ottawa, ON. Abstract submissions are invited for presentation in English or French. Please indicate on the abstract form the language in which you would like to present. Abstracts are invited as four presentation options:
- Workshop: Workshop presenters will offer an interactive discussion and analysis of a clinical topic or practice issue in a forum lasting 50–60 minutes. Abstracts for workshop sessions must meet the same criteria as other submissions, and must outline the educational objectives, proposed content area and method of presentation (i.e., case study, multiple choice questions) for attendees to interact with one another and the presenters.
- Oral Paper presentation: Paper presentations will be 15 minutes in length with an additional 5 minutes allotted for questions.
- Poster Presentations: Presenters with posters must be available at their poster location for 30 minutes on one of the two days.
- Oral/Poster Presentation: Presenters present poster as a moderated oral poster session.
- Will consider an Oral or Poster Presentation: Submitters are willing to have their abstract considered by the abstract review committee for an oral or poster presentation.
Submissions are peer-reviewed in one of two categories: research and non-research.
An abstract submission is reviewed in the “research” category if it describes some aspect of an original piece of research, either as ‘completed research’ or ‘research in progress’.
The “non-research” category includes abstracts that do not describe an original piece of research (i.e., theoretical or clinical application or clinical project).
Abstracts are considered under one of the following themes: ACS/AMI, Stroke, Paediatrics and Congenital Heart Disease, Dysrhythmia Management, Health Promotion, Nursing Education, Health Services, Patient Safety, Heart Failure/Transplant, Cardiac Surgery and Other.
The submission of an abstract constitutes a commitment by the author(s) to attend the meeting and to present. All presenting authors must register for the meeting and are responsible for their own transportation and accommodation. Abstract grading is performed by blind review and notification of acceptance or rejection of an abstract occurs by email in January following the abastract submission.
Please note:
- Submissions must received through CCCN's online submission process and must be received before December 1st, 2024 at 23:59 hours Eastern. For more information, please contact
- Read the Abstract Submission Guidelines before starting your submission.
- You can view a recording of a recorded session on How to Prepare an Abstract which was delivered at the CCCN's 2022 Annual Spring Conference by clicking here.
Please click here to begin the submission process.