
Peripheral arterial Disease and Venous Disease: Assessment and Treatment Strategies

May 27, 2022 from 10:25am PDT to 10:55am PDT
May 27, 2022 from 11:00am PDT to 11:30am PDT

Peripheral diseases are categorized as either arterial disease (e.g., iliac arterial disease) or venous diseases (e.g., venous insufficiency).  The incidence of peripheral disease in increasing with appropriately ~20 - 29% associated with the elderly. Improvement in assessment techniques and diagnostic tests has led to improved diagnosis, treatment and management strategies for peripheral diseases.

Patients with peripheral diseases experience a variety of issues including claudication, ischemic pain, ulcerations, hospitalizations, surgical interventions and even limb loss.  In addition, patients may experience depression, isolation and poor quality of life. Cardiovascular nurses play an essential role in the early assessment, diagnosis, treatment, and care for patients with peripheral disease. These interventions need to focus on the patient and their family and are aimed at improving quality of life, provide safe and effective care and reduce the burden of disease.  

This presentation will arterial and venous diseases including: etiology, diagnosis, management: both surgical and medical.  The purpose is to discuss classification, prevention, clinical presentation, precipitating factors, operative indications, treatment modalities and follow-up. Current research and guidelines will be discussed, as well as exemplars from clinical practice will be incorporated to facilitate learning. Nursing management and recognition will be highlighted.

Speakers / Panelists